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you are up a stump, aren’t you
你不好受吧  detail>>
now you are scared aren’t you
怕了吧  detail>>
aren t you concerned about it
难道你不担心吗  detail>>
and you aren’t had enough to eat
你就不会有足够的感觉  detail>>
you’re not from around here aren’t you
可以问他  detail>>
it is up to you
由你来决定  detail>>
up to you
看着办  detail>>
you up
让你吃不消  detail>>
are you up for some dessert
你要不要来点甜食  detail>>
blow up in you face
在眼前爆炸(事情完全弄砸了)  detail>>
but that’s all up to you
但这全看你了  detail>>
but you messed it up
但你紊乱起来  detail>>
come up to meet you
来见见你 跑来见你 为了见你而来  detail>>
fuck you up
让你吃不消  detail>>
get up! you lazybones
快起来你这个懒蛋  detail>>
giving you up
让你走  detail>>
gonna lock you up
得治治你  detail>>
i life you up
精神大振  detail>>